
Institute of Astronomy

Name Title/Description Extensionremark Email
Liu, Yi-Wei Professor 42277、33295
Hsiang-Kuang Chang Professor & Chair 42952 mailto
Albert Kong Professor 42619 mailto
Ing-Guey Jiang Professor 42258 mailto
Shih-Ping Lai Professor 42531 mailto
Vivien Chen Professor 42518 mailto
Goto, Tomotsugu Professor 42682 mailto
Pan, Kuo-Chuan Associate Professor 42563 mailto
Andrew Cooper Associate Professor 42258 mailto
Yang, Hsiang-Yi Associate Professor 42953 mailto
Daniel Harsono Assistant Professor 42679 mailto
Hsu, Ching-Yuan 42666 mailto
Kim, Seong Jin Postdoctoral Researcher 42362 mailto
Ramiz Akatar Postdoctoral Researcher mailto
Lin, Yu-Chiung Postdoctoral Researcher mailto
Majidul Rahaman Postdoctoral Researcher mailto
Debjit Chatterjee Postdoctoral Researcher mailto
Ishika Palit Postdoctoral Researcher mailto
Lo, Mei Assistant 62576 mailto
Tan, Ching- Fen Assistant 33281 mailto
Chen,Chi-Lun Assistant 33273 mailto
Jennifer Hsiu-Yi Hong Assistant 33280 mailto

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